Coin Swap
Coin Swap
Pioneer in Cryptocurrency
USDT is used as the quotation unit, facilitating transactions
  • USDT as margin, there is no need to worry about cryptocurrencies' up and down.
  • Switch positions and leverage at any time you want.
  • Benchmarked to index, fearless for surge and plummet
  • More convenient for hedging
To know more
A variety of quantitative strategies
More quantitative strategies
Even novices can easily deal with futures.
Futures Grid
A variety of quantitative strategies
Double moving average
According to the signal of moving average, we buy when golden cross shows and short when death cross appears.
Based on DIF AND DEA signals of MACD, we buy when golden cross shows and short when death cross appears.

Bibox’s futures has running smoothly and safely for days,

Trading volume in recent 24H USDT

Self-developed matching system
Bibox’s matching system can deal with 100,000 orders per second, with a minimum delay of 5ms.
Abundant future products
USDT futures, coin futures, up to 150X leverage
High quality service
Dịch vụ 24/7 với hỗ trợ đa ngôn ngữ để giải quyết thắc mắc của bạn

Giao dịch trên Bibox mọi lúc mọi nơi

Welcome to trade crypto futures with Bibox.